Kill a Blue Hinox
5 Monsters in Compendium
Mount 5 different creatures
12 Tabantha Koroks
'A Gift of Nightshade' Side Quest
Mount a Stalhorse
Glazed Meat
Collect 20 Bird Eggs
Activate Woodland and Hateno Towers
Yellow Dyed Hylian Hood
Hard-Boiled Egg
Read Zelda's Diary
Collect 4 Picture Memories
Snowquill Trousers ★
12 Ridgeland Koroks
'What's for Dinner?' Side Quest
25 Koroks
Kill a Guardian Turret
Refine a Rusty Shield using an Octorok
1 Korok Trial
Diamond Circlet
500m in the Gliding Minigame
Discover 1 Secret Hot Spring
3 Lanayru Shrines
Mount 9 different creatures

Zelda Breath of the Wild Bingo Zelda Breath of the Wild Bingo

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Generate New Zelda Breath of the Wild Bingo


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Seed: 17ba2996         Difficulty: Medium         Generated: 2025-02-05 03:53         Goals From: Source


Multiplayer coming soon!


  • Click to change the colour of a box.
  • Right-click to clear a box's colour.
  • You can share the URL of this page with other players, so they can play the same bingo as you.
  • All bingos should start with a new game, with no acquired items or skills, where possible.


Want us to add a new goal, item, or challenge? Let us know about it here!