Acquire 2 legendary armaments
Kill 1 Deathbird and 1 Death Rite Bird
30 Faith (no rebirth or buffs)
Black Bow
Give all 9 Deathroot to Gurranq at once
Get killed by a Tree Spirit, an Erdtree Avatar, and a Tree Sentinel
Godskin Peeler
Acquire 4 Memory Stones
Get killed by Waterfowl Dance
Duplicate any remembrance, then use both copies for runes
Kill Margit with 4+ parries
Obtain 4 different Missionary's Cookbooks
Do not equip any Great Rune
Use Pyromancy on Fire Giant
Graven-Mass Talisman
Pop a Pop a Hero's Rune of any number
Obtain 10 different Crystal Tears
Lose at least 20,000 Runes by dying before getting them from a previous death
Collect 15 Golden Seeds before upgrading your Flask count
Bolt of Gransax
Use a Ruptured Crystal Tear to die
Discard any Legendary upgrade material
Kill Ancient Dragon Lansseax
Eat Exalted FLesh and a Boiled Prawn
Obtain and wear 2 pieces of Crucible Knight armor (Axe or Tree)

Elden Ring Bingo Elden Ring Bingo

Your Time


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Seed: f908375a         Generated: 2024-09-05 20:21         Goals From: Source


Multiplayer coming soon!


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  • Right-click to clear a box's colour.
  • You can share the URL of this page with other players, so they can play the same bingo as you.
  • All bingos should start with a new game, with no acquired items or skills, where possible.


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