Fill a Chest with 1,728 items |
Build a 3x3x3 Sandstone Cube |
Convert a Hoglin into a Zoglin |
Plant a Melon Seed |
Tame a Fox |
14 Dried Kelp Blocks |
5 Ender Pearls |
Grow a Huge Nether Fungus |
9 Different Flowers |
Heart of the Sea |
Power a Redstone Lamp |
Daylight Detector |
"Eye Spy" Advancement |
Scute |
Crying Obsidian |
6 Fire Charges |
3 Different Diamond Items |
10 Obsidian |
Create a Bee Nest (Not a Beehive) |
Gold Block |
Detonate a TNT-Minecart |
Barter with a Piglin |
Kill a Squid |
3 Bookshelves |
Dig 30 Blocks Straight Down, 1x1 |
Seed: 66b8bf83
Difficulty: Medium
Version: 1.20.0
Generated: 2025-02-05 03:35
Multiplayer coming soon!
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- Right-click to clear a box's colour.
- You can share the URL of this page with other players, so they can play the same bingo as you.
- All bingos should start with a new game, with no acquired items or skills, where possible.
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