Visit a Basalt Deltas Biome
10 Note Blocks
Kill a Glow Squid
Breed 5 sets of Mobs
6 Different Edible Items
9 Nether Quartz
Hang up 2 Different 2x2 Paintings
38 Melon Slices
10 Spider Eyes
Kill an Iron Golem
Break a Pickaxe
Barter with a Piglin
Build a 3x3x3 Sculk Catalyst Cube
3 Different Black Items
Stand on a Skeleton Spawner
16 Mossy Cobblestone
Fully Repair a Diamond Item
22 Dried Kelp Blocks
6 Fire Charges
Detonate a TNT-Minecart
Ghast Tear
Plant a Wheat Seed
Full Gold Armour
Book and Quill
Hatch a Chicken

Minecraft Bingo Minecraft Bingo

Your Time


Generate New Minecraft Bingo


Interface Options

Theme Light | Dark
Streamer Mode Off | On
Hide Card Off | On
Seed: 6e4da0ca         Difficulty: Medium         Version: 1.20.0         Generated: 2024-10-02 04:12


Multiplayer coming soon!


  • Click to change the colour of a box.
  • Right-click to clear a box's colour.
  • You can share the URL of this page with other players, so they can play the same bingo as you.
  • All bingos should start with a new game, with no acquired items or skills, where possible.


Want us to add a new goal, item, or challenge? Let us know about it here!