38 Wood
26 Raspberries
6 Cooked Deer Meet
5 Cooked Boar Meet
39 Red Mushrooms
Fill Your Inventory
Find the Trader
32 Leather Scraps
33 Coins
37 Stone
37 Deer Hide
20 Flinthead Arrows
19 Troll Trophies
26 Boar Meat
30 Flint
Fully Repair a Deer Hide Cape
40 Blueberries
28 Bone Fragments
Craft Root Leggings
Craft a Finewood Bow
Craft a Wood Tower Shield
Loot a Sunken Crypt
17 Feathers
Kill The Elder
36 Greydwarf Eyes

Valheim Bingo Valheim Bingo

Your Time


Generate New Valheim Bingo


Interface Options

Theme Light | Dark
Streamer Mode Off | On
Hide Card Off | On
Seed: 0d7e2023         Difficulty: Medium         Version: 0.218.19         Generated: 2025-01-11 10:34


Multiplayer coming soon!


  • Click to change the colour of a box.
  • Right-click to clear a box's colour.
  • You can share the URL of this page with other players, so they can play the same bingo as you.
  • All bingos should start with a new game, with no acquired items or skills, where possible.


Want us to add a new goal, item, or challenge? Let us know about it here!